Join us for a full week of ‘cheer-amazing’ fun!
Campers will learn cheers, dances, tumbling, and stunts! Throughout each camp day, they will also learn and participate in leadership and team-building activities.
*Don’t need the whole week? Daily rates are available.
Masks will not be required for campers but we are following the CDC, state, and ACA (American Camp Association) specific guidelines for camps and childcare facilities to remain open. Our entire staff has been trained on these guidelines and will have ongoing training regarding the most up-to-date news. Along with following the mandatory guidelines here are a few other specific things that we will be doing:
– Campers entering the building at the start of the day will apply hand sanitizer provided by us or be given the option to wash their hands
– We will have staff members whose sole purpose is to sanitize tables, toys, playground/gym equipment, bathrooms, and more on an hourly basis and after use by campers.
– Campers will be washing their hands every hour (at minimum) and before any meals or snacks.
– Campers will be in stagnant groups for the entire week with the same coaches
– Groups will remain smaller and will rotate between various spaces and activities only after they have been completely sanitized
– Per state guidelines, we will be unable to provide lunch but will provide two daily prepackaged snacks
– There will be a reduced number of overall campers.
– Each camper will have their own “cubby” to place their personal belongings in
– Beyond anything else, the most important thing is to keep your child home if they are experiencing a fever or signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
WAY2CHEER offers children of all skill levels the opportunity to excel through sports and activities. Participation and performance are more important than winning and losing. Sportsmanship and character are taught right along with skills and techniques. Children will engage in traditional sports along with new and exciting games that will soon become some of their favorites.
Our school break camps are designed for kindergarten-5th grade students and our hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Our staff is comprised of Cobb County teachers and educators who work with children on a daily basis. To learn more about our staff please visit the Camp and Enrichment Staff link on the home page.
8:00-9:15Drop off/Free Play
9:00-10:00 Whole Group Game Play; Inside or Outside
Move N' Groove: Come join us for a fun, high energy dance workshop. This particular workshop will be hip hop based with intermediate styles of choreography. The class will include stretching, grooves, and a dance combo.
Skills Workshop: Focus will be on skills, skills, skills! Everything will be covered, from stretching, strength & conditioning, jumps, as well as running and standing tumbling
11:00-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:45 Whole Group Game Play; Inside or Outside
12:45-1:15 Cheer Prep: During our cheerleading classes, the campers learn various skills that are age and skill appropriate including: Motions, Cheers and Chants, and Jumps.
1:15-2:15 Dance Prep: Our cheerleaders learn a variety of dance routines including Traditional Cheer Dance Routines, Pom Pom Routines and Fight Song Routines.
Cheer with Confidence: This class is based on FUN, exciting and proven techniques and activities that will build your daughter’s self-confidence!
Let’s Tumble!: Our Tumbling Class includes beginning tumbling skills like cartwheels, round offs, etc.
3:45-4:15Friday Performance Prep
4:15-6:00Free Play/Pick Up